Tuesday, November 20, 2007

You Look Like a Mom

Lately I've been feeling a little down from time to time about my generally slouchy appearance. It just feels like such an accomplishment to get gussied up now-a-days, and then when I do, I feel like I'm running defense every second that I'm dressed up--trying to keep my earrings from getting ripped out of my earlobes, keeping my necklace from getting yanked off of my neck or gnawed to smitherines, and defending my clothes from the inevitable spit-up, boogies or blow-outs (had two of these last lovely things before lunch today!). Some folks might say, "Hey, just enjoy the break from the daily hassle of getting dolled up." I'll admit that sometimes I'm grateful if I look at my calendar and realize that I don't have to leave the house for the day, but I am one of those gals who actually enjoys dollin' up. But I also have enough of my mother's practicality running through my veins to know that there are seasons of my life where I'll get to do more of that, and that right now my daily uniform might not get to be quite so fun and interesting.
I feel like that so much of growing in Christ has to do with fighting my selfish nature. Can you relate? Today I was having to fight that little selfish voice in my head that was saying things like, "Are you really going to wear those sandals from Wal-Mart again? You know they don't match...etc." (I won't make you listen to the entire stupid conversation that ran in my head.)I was feeling a little less than pretty until a stranger I encountered today said, "You look like a Mom. I can tell by your shirt." I smiled as I looked down and saw the slobber and boogies that my sweet little baby boy had smeared on my shirt when he was snuggling on my shoulder. Suddenly I felt beautiful and proud. Proud to be wearing my Mommy uniform. I don't think I'll stop trying to get dolled-up from time to time, but I hope that I can remember that on those days when I don't, that there is still a beauty about me--spit-up and all!


KL said...

nice post girl and can I just say (CB inspired line) that you know how to rock even Walmart sandals! I am proud of you.
happy thanksgiving. I hope you have a great trip!

Adrienne Rogowski said...

kl--is that you, Kristin? I'm used to seeing "from the front pew".
Thanks for the words of affirmation.

susan:] said...

i am loving all of these stories!


Adrienne Rogowski said...

Is that Susan B.? How fun! So glad you're keeping up with the life and times of this crazy family!