Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Time to Lighten Up

OK, I was reading back through some of my recent blogs. Time to lighten things up a bit. The last several entries have been rather serious.
All of you housewives out there can relate to the ongoing struggle of "keeping house". Man, back in preschool keeping house was a blast, right? I mean come on? When it was time to clean up the house area, you just opened the little toy frig and oven and shoved everything inside. Oh, were it that easy! So here are a couple of true admissions of my own housekeeping failings just this week. I need to clean my bathroom, and when I'm done with this post, I plan to do it (wink, wink), but this morning while I was trying to dry my hair, Benjamin was crawling freely around my bedroom. Olivia had been my wingman in watching him for me until Clifford came on, and then she left me high and dry, so I had to pick him up and let him crawl around on the bathroom floor. After picking the third hair out of his mouth (ladies, do you have a wooly mammoth that sheds on your bathroom floor like I do?), instead of going to get the vaccuum or broom, I do what any desperate mother would do. I turn my hair dryer on full blast and corral the rolling tumbleweeds of hairballs into one corner. What? You've never done that?
At dinner last night I glanced up at the chandelier over the table and thought for the thousandth time, "Boy, I need to clean those cobwebs off!" After we'd cleared the table of dishes, I pulled the vaccuum cleaner over to the table, hooked up the hose extension and sucked those webs away, and just as I was about to turn the machine off, I glanced down at a crummy table (it hadn't been wiped off yet after dinner), and I just thought, "Hey, why not?" and I used the vaccuum to suck the crumbs off of the table! OK, vaccuuming the table top is slightly unconventional, I'll agree, but it did prove to be efficient. I don't know that I would recommend this after every meal; you be the judge. :)
So if you have any funny housekeeping stories to share, feel free to add them here. If your house looks like a model home and you are ready to call the health department to have mine condemned, please just ignore this entry. :)


KL said...

Very Fun Astriss! I love to shove things under the bed and in drawers..out of sight out of mind. By the way, we just spent 200$ on a plumber who had to unglog our toliet. The problem was a Kazoo..someone had flushed it down the toilet :)

Jarrod, Tracy, Kyle, Spencer & Abby said...

You are so funny, I just love you! OK, here is my confession. I have a laundry basket full of FOLDED towels with apparently all of the clean socks in the house at the bottom. So every morning I take the towels out of the basket and place them on the bed and get socks out for the children. I leave the towels on the bed. At bedtime, I put the towels back in the basket and place the basket on the floor. Only to repeat the next day. What is wrong with me? How easy it would be to put away the towels and put the socks in the drawers.
Also, I have thought of inventing a table with a huge vaccum coming out of the bottom. When dinner is over you just flip a switch and all of the crumbs are sucked off of the floor. Someone could make alot of $$ on that one.

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Oh, Tracy, I loooooove it! I knew we had a lot in common! :) Stan and I have laughed so many times at the absurd things we do just like your story. My personal favorite is how many times we will walk over something sitting in the middle of the floor or in the middle of a pathway in the bathroom or hallway without picking it up! I became a pro at this sort of thing in highschool and college. I've never been a neat nick exactly, and I can remember moving the large pile of clothes to get into bed at night, and then making the bed in the morning and repiling those same items back on top. I don't let things pile up as badly as I used to, but I am a piler.

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Kristin, I have done my fair share of shoving although in our present masterbedroom, there is little space to shove anywhere, and therefore, things get piled.

Hey girl, if you had to spend $200 on a plumber at least their names were Christian Brothers Plumbing. Maybe you invested in something more than just a cleared up potty! :) You invested in potty preachers! :)