Friday, November 16, 2007

Cooling Down a Bit

Thank you, Lord for the cooling weather! Of course, down here you never know how long it will last. I can remember a Christmas here as a kid when it was 80 degrees on Christmas Day. I hope it won't be that warm this year. It's honestly hard to fa-la-la when it's so ha-ha-hot! So I'm enjoying being able to put on a sweatshirt and even have my children wear a hat! Today is the Thanksgiving Feast at preschool, so I'll hope to have some photos from the event to share soon.

1 comment:

Carrie Beth said...

I have this vivid memory of all of us being at Perry for Thanksgiving about 15 years ago in matching sweatshirts that I had painted (bless your hearts!) and hearing Uncle Todd say, "Humph, ridiculous wearing sweatshirts when it is 80 degrees outside!" I am ready for the cooler weather too!