Thursday, November 29, 2007

More Thanksgiving pics

So here are a few more of those pictures that I couldn't get to load last night for some reason.


KL said...

girl what a lovely home and spread..I love the centerpeice is that magnolia leaves? do you remember picking magnolias for your rehursal dinner from a neighbors house?

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Yes! They're magnolias. I do remember that! I have a really vivid memory of going to some woman's house to clip her hydrangeas, and she wasn't home or wasn't answering her door, and we felt a little like thieves! Do you remember my mom's bathtub full of hydrangeas and gardenias? It smelled so good! How wonderful it was to have you there. You were such a great sport--going to that little dumpy place to have our hair done. What an experience!