Monday, March 5, 2012

iMac down!

So, I've not been posting much since January, and part of that is because our iMac took a dive. Its hard drive went kaput. Hopefully during the end of March we can replace it, but for now, I am not able to upload pictures and so I've been less intentional about blogging because of that. My sis-in-law, Karen, had begun a fun tradition of giving a shout-out to family members on their birthday from her blog. I thought it was fun and attempted to follow-suit, but since the computer has been on the fritz, I've missed some. This might need to be her tradition and not mine. Not sure I can be consistent enough about it! :) Just being real, folks. Anyway, just thought I'd send out a howdy-doo in blog land since I haven't been on here in a while. The Rogowskis are doing fine and just zooming along. This is Stan's festival week, so please lift him in prayer as his kids go to perform and be rated. It's also his birthday week. It always seems to land that way--kinda nice, cause we're able to celebrate the completion of the festival season and his birthday all at once! The kids have a day off today but the teachers have a workday, so I'm enjoying having the kids here. For that reason, I don't need to write long. Blessings on you!