Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Mistake I Might Have to Make Twice!

Ladies, it's 8:08 AM, and both of my children are still asleep. Can I tell you how unusual this is??? I should be doing loads of laundry and cleaning my bathroom or something! But here I sit, because how often to I get this much uninterrupted time to write! So here's what happened. Last night we got home late after choir practice, and I put Benjamin and Olivia down as soon as we got in. Stan and I watched a little TV, and then we talked until about 10:50 (I had had a frustrating experience at church last night and we were talking through it) when Benjamin woke up again. I went in and nursed him and put him back down. Stan and I finished talking and prayed over the frustrating situation and finally crashed a little before 11:30. Folks, I remember doing this with Olivia when she was a little bambino, but last night, I failed to turn on the baby monitor for Benjamin's room. (I usually leave it on all the time...I won't go into explaining why it was off.) And without the baby monitor on, I slept like a baby! I woke up startled at 5am realizing what had happened. Because he's been so sick this month and has been teething, I can't remember the last time he slept that long. But then I couldn't go back to sleep, because I was thinking about him crying in the night, and I was wondering if he was OK, so eventually I just got up and had my Devos. Shortly he woke up, I nursed him briefly and he went right back to sleep. Hallelujah!! Thank you Jesus for this mistake that turned into a blessing! :) If only all of my mistakes turned out this nicely!

1 comment:

KL said...

bless you! That is a freak out moment, but you needed the rest and so did B-I love the pic of him with the neb mask on.