Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's a Calling

As I've been talking with several girlfriends lately and reading some of their blogs, I've been struck by several recurring themes:
--Guilt felt for a myriad of reasons--not wanting to play with your kids all the time, getting engrossed in a murder mystery book and "neglecting" your children for a couple hours, wanting to go to your part-time job for some time away, spending too much time on the computer, etc...
--Concern about being a "good" mom or a good enough mom
--Trying to balance time with the kids and family with the need for time away & the almost unavoidable guilt that follows time spent away
When I was washing the dishes after dinner tonight, this all was weighing on my mind, and suddenly this thought was impressed on my heart. It's a calling, Adrienne. "It's the hardest job in the world," Mom always says. My mom has always told me that being a stay-at-home mom (even a part-time one) is a calling--meaning it ought to be something you really feel like the Lord has led you to do. And although I've heard her say that many times, I got to thinking about it from a fresh perspective tonight somehow. How does it help if we know we're called to do something? Immensely! If we know we're called, then we know He will enable us to handle every aspect of this calling. The callee can lean into the Caller when she needs strength, help, guidance, a break! If we recognize that we're called, there can be a peace found in that--knowing that even in the insane moments, we're in His hands. And as I continued thinking about this, I thought to myself, what else is commonly true of people who are called to a task or a vocation? It is essential that people who are called find time to recommit themselves to their calling--annually, monthly, weekly, daily--however often is needed. My Dad is a UM pastor, and every year at annual conference he stays 'till the very end, because he knows that at the end, the Bishop leads the pastors in portions of the John Wesley Covenant service. I've found a modern paraphrase of it, and this is the portion that Dad always feels it is so important to participate in. Anyway, I know that I am finding encouragement in again recognizing and accepting my calling. Maybe you also need a moment, like me, to recommit and surrender to it.
All: we are yours, Lord. We reverence you. We dedicate ourselves to your service.

Pastor: in so giving ourselves to the Lord, we affirm that we will heartily embrace what he has appointed us to do, both corporately and personally.

Let him appoint you to your work. Christ has many services to be done; some are more easy and honorable, others more difficult and menial.

Some are suitable to our inclinations and interest; others are contrary to both. In some we may please Christ and please ourselves, as when he requires us to feed and clothe ourselves.

Indeed, there are some spiritual duties that are more pleasing than others; as to rejoice in the Lord, to be a blessing and praising God.

These are the sweet works of a Christian. But then there are other works, wherein to please Christ is to deny ourselves.

Find what it is that Christ expects of you and then give yourselves totally to his will, without bargaining and without reservation.

All: make us what you will, Lord, and send us where we are to go. Let us be vessels of silver or gold, or vessels of wood or stone; as long as we are vessels of honor we are content.

If we are not the head, or the eye, or the ear, one of the nobler and more honorable instruments, then let us be the hands, or the feet, as one of the lowest and least esteemed of all the servants of our Lord.

Pastor: Lord, place us in your kingdom in the roles you have designed for us.

People: Lord, make all of us your servants.

Pastor: in exalted places, or humble places.

People: let us be full; let us be empty.

Pastor: let us have all things; let us have nothing.

People: we freely and gladly embrace our places in your kingdom.


KL said...

Thank you girl for this encouraging post! You are my personal Beth Moore..by the way i loved the pics of Olivia..she has your sparkle :)

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Oh my. You're too kind.
Glad it was encouraging!
Glad to know I sparkle!
You're fab, girl!