Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tappin' the Night Away

I think the Lord knew I needed a laugh, because I woke up laughing this morning after having a hysterical dream. I dreamed that me and a group of girlfriends were all dancing to the Terry Gibbs and the Dream Band vol. 5 CD. I don't remember the faces of most of the girls who danced, but I do remember seeing Monica dance. I don't know if you're reading this, Monica, but girl, you were one mean tap dancer in my dream--I'm talkin' Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers--OK, maybe not quite as polished, but it was truly wonderful. And at one point Monica said to me, "Why don't you take a turn, Adrienne?" I said, "I'm afraid I'll wet my pants from laughing!" Truly hysterical, because the music was extremely fast, and all the girls who danced were looking like they were on speed or something. Why in the world did I dream that??? Bizarre.

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