Monday, April 14, 2008

A Day in the Life...

A while back my dear friend, Kristin, did a wonderful picture diary for her friends to be able to see what a day in the life of the Pattison family looked like. I really enjoyed it--especially as a very far away friend, so I thought I'd do the same thing today. Here you'll see us gathered around the breakfast table at about 7:30. Olivia shows me her bowl to show me she's done with her bran flakes--great job, Liv! Benjamin fiishes his yogurt and apples with a smile, and then we get dressed for the day. After getting Benjamin and Olivia dressed, Olivia watches a little Clifford cartoon while I wrangle Benjamin and attempt to make myself look presentable for the preschool drop-off. You'll see Benjamin in our closet and on the treadmill--two of his favorite hang-outs. He's got a fettish for any and all hairbrushes right now, and I'm often catching him gagging on a hair because he's always trying to eat the brush. Yuck. Eventually we all get ready by about 8:40 and we're out the door to preschool. We had to take The Beast, the name I've given Stan's truck, since Stan took the blazer in for an oil change and to have someone look at that tire that keeps on losing air. Now I'm home, I've gotten B-man down for a nap, and I'm soon to hit the treadmill after responding to a few e-mails. Thrilling, right? ;)

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