Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Just call me Adrienne Melodrama Rogowski

OK, sorry for the melodramatic poetry. I just had one of those encounters that left me feeling significantly frustrated, and sometimes it just feels good to write a dramatic poem expressing how I felt at the time. We all know these kind of people--people who feel their calling is to speak the truth with little grace, mercy or wisdom, and you find yourself walking away feeling like your heart was just put through a cheese grater. I've probably been the offender sometimes myself, but I hope and pray that I will allow the Lord to guide my tongue--that I will, when it is necessary and beneficial, speak the truth graciously, thoughtfully, carefully.


Kristin Pattison said...

My first memory of you was in the NT class at Asbury. Your head was down at your desk and the poor sap in front of you was doing his eveagelical best to cheer you up with agape love "hey Jesus loves you" he said while jabbing at your head in a pony tail and white bow..you slowly raised your head and gave him a stare that sent him swirling around in his seat and facing the other way. I've loved your melodrama from the start!!!

Carrie Beth said...

Oh Kstriss, do I know the look you are talking about :)!!! We sometimes refer to it as "The Beams." You will be glad to know that Olivia is already perfecting this very enviable talent :)- only to be used towards bad guys, etc, of course (I LOVE my precious niece!)!