Tuesday, August 23, 2011

3rd and final Album from the Adams Family Reunion July 2011

OK, so here it ends! Carrie Beth left with her boys and we were all blubbering. When sisters and moms have to say goodbye, it's always painful. We have a tradition of running along the hedge near the road and yelling and blowing kisses to people as they leave. I can say from experience that it makes me cry when I am the running waver and when I'm the one departing. How grateful I am for these precious ones who love me no matter what, who give me grace when I screw up, who lovingly pass along wisdom, tenderly listen to me, who take an interest in the details of my life, who sometimes speak tough words I need to hear, who pray fervently for me and my family, who see me at my low points, high points, and silly-absurd-corny points and accept me. I am rich.
The ice cream truck was a fun little serendipitous moment. Benjamin and I were on the front porch by ourselves and we heard the music. Benjamin said, "What's that?" I said, "It sounds like the icecream truck." Benjamin said, "What do you mean 'ice cream truck'?" I realized he'd never had this very suburban, American experience! I said, "Well, this guy drives a truck around neighborhoods, plays music loudly so kids will hear, and then we meet him at the curb and buy an icecream, and there's all different kinds!" As I spoke and described it, Benjamin's face looked like it might peel off his head, he was smiling bigger and bigger the whole time. :) He said, "You gotta be kiddin' me?!?" I said, laughing, "No! I'm not!" I told him I needed to go get my money, and the pictures below tell the rest of the story. Fun, innocent, sweet days!
Mom and Dad were amazing hosts to us all this summer. I would be remiss if I didn't brag on them a little bit. They love us, but I know we certainly can put a hurtin' on the power bill, water bill and grocery bill when all of us pile in. Not to mention to general craziness that ensues once we all arrive. Daddy sweetly took time off and was a full-time Cocky. He kept the kids laughing, and we "big kids" got to sit at his feet several mornings at breakfast as he shared about things the Lord is teaching him. He did dishes more often than he should've, and he often kept the laundry moving. Nonny worked so hard the whole time we were there--cooking, cleaning, cooking, cleaning, playing, being a full-time Nonny, and both she and Dad were so sweet to listen, love, and serve with such reckless abandon. Lord, give us all hearts like theirs--generous, hospitable hearts.


Brenda said...

Adrienne, You are amazing! How marvelous to have all of these and your sweet comments! I had just been thinking of how to come up with a book for everyone....what a wonderful memory! I laughed and cried looking at them all. I will show Dad. Love you! MOM

Abby Miller said...

It is sad to say goodbye, but I'm glad we are brave and face it--crying is good for the body and soul!

Adrienne Rogowski said...

thanks, Mom! It was fun working back through all of these, but it was a bit time consuming. Glad to have it done to enjoy now, though!
Abby, I'm so glad that is true, because I am a professional cry-er! :)