Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We got a puppy!

Well folks, we did it! We got ourselves a little puppy dog! Olivia had been wearing us down for a couple of years, and we finally caved under the pressure! :) Posy is our new little papillon mix we found at the Humane Society. We had been praying and searching for a few weeks when on whim we visited our local Humane Society. Low and behold, Posy was there waiting just for us! We felt like the Lord had worked it out for us and for her. She's four months old and weighs about 5lbs. She's feisty and fun to play with, but she is definitely testing our patience in regards to the house training efforts. She's doing pretty well, but we seem to have one accident a day. Some times we might go without any accidents, but that's a rarity. She was spayed last Tuesday, and this Friday she'll have her stitches removed. We are crate training her which has gone really well, praise the Lord. I am not a huge animal lover. Please don't hold that against me. I think they are amazing creations, but the messes, the smells, the expense, etc...those are all the little mental hurdles I have to just get over. Posy's cuteness helps make it all easier that's for sure! I am glad we have her. The kids are madly in love, and she has a special place in Stan's heart, too, it seems. :) So here are some of the pictures from our first few days with her. We've now had her for a couple weeks, and while there have been some frustrating aspects of adding a baby to the family, it has mostly been a joy and delight.

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