Monday, August 22, 2011

Adams Family Reunion July 2011

There's so much I could say about our time together in Albany this summer. It was fun! It was wild! It was hysterical! It was exhausting! It was enlightening! It was refreshing! It was at times poignant and precious! Here is the first of what may be three slide shows. I'm working on getting all of the pictures loaded. This is just such a time consuming task--loading them all, making comments on each picture, etc. I'll get it done eventually, but here is the first one. These pics show: lots of Georgia Kay Miller, the latest and greatest installment in our family! David's 9th bday, Mom and Dad's 40th anniversary dinner and the fun little dramatic presentation we gave them including the kiddos after we got home that night (we kids each wrote poems about each of their appointments they've had since they married and began their ministry--corny, sweet, funny, touching, and did I mention corny??), ladies day out to a precious tea room and some other random pics. Like I said, there's more to come!

1 comment:

Abby Miller said...

Adrienne, Thanks for sharing your pictures! We had such a great time with our Georgia family! I love your comments--thanks for taking the time to put these online. Love you lots!!!