Thursday, August 25, 2011

Our Budding Brass Player

This was just such a sweet captured moment as Stan was helping Benjamin hoist his heavy trombone and make an effort to produce a sound. Benjamin was very proud as some very interesting splatty noises burst forth from the horn. Who knows? Maybe he'll follow in his daddy's footsteps and be a low brass guy. We are grateful that our kids love music. It's such an awesome gift from the Lord! These two guys have my heart. Precious moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sweet! Love, love, love this picture! We think Camden is going to be our little drummer and he has already declared he is going to play tenors or bass. He walked on the field for pre-game and halftime last night for the very first time and that pretty much sealed the deal. He was in band heaven!

Have a great fall and hopefully we will see you soon!
