Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Vive la kazoo!

Nonny gave us this awesome kazoo when she and Cocky and Uncle Will came by for a brief visit on Palm Sunday. It's not just one of those plastic jobs that I grew up on. This baby is a metal kazoo! The box says, "You are a star" and "If you can hum, you can play!" I love kazoos. Whoever invented them gets major claps and snaps and woo-hoos from me. Now whether I love to have them buzzing in my ear at rather obnoxious volumes repeatedly, that's another question. I would love to get a kazoo for each one of us in the Rogowski family, because if you ever need a good laugh, just call a "kazoo band rehearsal", and I guarantee you, you'll be hardy-har-harring very soon--especially if you all play (hum) "The Star Spangled Banner" and you have folks who know how to play all of the piccolo parts. :) (FYI--this is equally as hillarious if you have a whistling ensemble--we did this as an extended family once, and I thought I would wet my pants laughing--of course after having two babies, that's not saying much--ladies, can I get a witness?) Anyway, here are two videos of Olivia and Benjamin both taking a turn at the kazoo. Long live the kazoo!

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