Sunday, March 23, 2008

He Arose!

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!!

Hallelujah our Savior is Risen!  I'm up early thinking of all of my wonderful family and friends who are soon to be or already bustling about preparing for this wonderful day of celebrating in our Christian faith.  I'm thinking of dear Abby and Andy as they prepare for their "sunrise" service at 8am.  Abby I know you will bring a strong clear message to that service.  Andy I wish I could hear your Easter message.  I know you'll be shouting that "He is Risen Indeed!" Mom and Dad and Will, I'm so glad we get to be with you three this evening to enjoy the ahhhhh of the Easter evening. :)  Dad, I wish I could hear you preach today.  I don't know if you're preaching anywhere or not today, but I still wish I could hear you!  Ceebs, I'm truly so happy to know that you're worshipping in a church you love and that loves you!  Praise the Lord for that little balm in Gilead. I'm thinking of Uncle D. Joe and Aunt Kris at Trinity on the Hill as they prepare for a morning of celebration with their choir and congregation. I'm thinking of Aunt Betsy and Uncle Keith and their crew as they lead worship in the contemporary service in Dublin.  I'm thinking of Poppy and Mimi and I know Poppy is just bursting to shout "He is Risen Indeed!"  Wouldn't we all love to hear Poppy give an Easter message today, too? I'm thinking of Nick and Karen in Memphis and wondering if it's Nick's turn to lead worship this morning.  If it is, I know he'll be pullin' out the stops to celebrate Jesus this morning.  I'm thinking about Ansley and Jonathan in Baxley, and I know Jonathan will be leading worship at his church this morning with excitement and Ansley's beautiful voice will be full of joy this morning, too! Cherie, you'd better not be up leading some kids' service today, girl!  I'm thinking of you as you enjoy your first Easter with baby Zoe.  Tracy, I'm thinking of you this morning as you're celebrating this Easter without your husband as he is serving our great nation in the military.  Bless you, gal! Kristin, I'll never forget our Easter morning we shared together about 12 years ago in your dorm room.  I am so excited to hear of the new Life birthed in your heart and soul recently! Praise God!  Thanks for singing with me that morning so long ago with such boisterous enthusiasm while dear Stan lugged his trombone out to the frigid reservoir for the sunrise service.  Poor Buzz.  Speaking of Buzz (the name Kristin gave Stan during college) he was up long before the rooster this morning, and when he leaned over to kiss me goodbye before heading out to the St Mary's sunrise service (aka "Gnat Fest 2008") I did wake up enough to muster up a somewhat wimpy "He is risen" and heard his reply of "He is risen indeed!" as I fell back to sleep.  Praise God for Easter!  Mom I've already been out to drape the white cloth over the cross.  I'll be attempting our annual pictures around the cross, so hopefully I'll be able to post those for all to see before too long.  Bless you all!!  I'm so grateful for all of my Christian friends and family.  You're in my thoughts and prayers this morning.

1 comment:

Kristin Pattison said...

you were ony my mind on Sunday morning as I too remembered our Easter morning together. I thank you for your encouragement and hope you had a blessed day.