Sunday, March 16, 2008

Burnt toast 101

Today I was toasting some hoagie rolls in the oven under the broiler to use for some sub style sandwiches for lunch. I set the timer, but when I checked them, they weren't done. Unwisely, I said to myself, "I'll just go feed Benjamin a bite of cheese or two, and I'll come back and check it again." Bad move, and when I finally remembered to check them again, they were charred on top. I was so frustrated, and I decided to try to save them--especially since it was "special bread"--not just your run-of-the-mill sandwich bread. I started out with a knife. I think I remember having seen my mom or dad scraping burnt toast with a knife when I was a kid, but after a few minutes of what seemed to be failure, I gave up on the knife, and I picked up a fork and went at it. Ah-hah! By jingo, that was the ticket! Lots of scraping in both horizontal and vertical directions. I got so into it that I was completely oblivious to the fact that burnt toast flecks were flying everywhere. Olivia came up and said, "What a mess!" It was then that I realized I had black crumbs blanketing my forearms, and the entire stove top where I was working was also heavily showered with the same mess. Ohhh, but I had won this battle. Burnt toast, you were not the victor today. Maybe another day, but not this one! :)

1 comment:

Carrie Beth said...

Yes, it goes EVERYWHERE! So funny to think about having a little person in your house that would actually notice a two would just join in and add to it in some way!!