Thursday, February 14, 2008

No list=No Shopping

This is generally my rule for grocery shopping--no list=no shopping.  I've had two instances in the last several days where I've had to go pick up somethings midweek, and I've stupidly gone without a list.  You guys know how these trips go--lots of meandering without purpose, wasted time, and if you have kids in the buggy, oh me!  Today I thought I could trust my memory for the four items I needed to get without writing them down.  Wrong.  As usual, I got in there and got distracted by the "BYGO" offers, bought items I didn't truly need, and as the cart filled, I thought to myself, "I think this is everything."  And it wasn't until I got Benjamin in his carseat out in the parking lot that I had the lightbulb moment.  By that time, it was about half an hour past his afternoon nap time, and there was no going back for the two forgotten items, but I wanted to whack myself in the head.  When it comes to grocery shopping, I am slightly ADD.  I've gotten into the habit of shopping in the 45 minute window of time I have after I drop Olivia off for dance on Monday afternoons.  I've been lamenting this internally, because it is kind of stressful to get the shopping done for the entire week in that little window of time and then get back to the dance studio before Olivia's class ends.  However, I've just recently realized that it is probably a really good thing that I have been having to shop within a small amount of time, because it helps me stay focused, and I always go prepared with my list and coupons, and I'm like a Nascar driver wheelin' that buggy around Wal-Mart on two wheels trying to get back in time!  Benjamin doesn't even have an opportunity to start to fuss, because I'm going so fast.  In fact, one week when I was speeding through the aisles, I heard a gentleman trying to warn his wife who was down  the aisle further from him, as I blazed in her direction, "Look out, honey!"  So if you see a silver streak burnin' up the aisles in Wal-Mart leaving a trail of Cheerios, forgive me for not stopping to chat.  I'm simply trying to break the sound barrier and get back in time to pick up my little ballerina.


Jarrod, Tracy, Kyle, Spencer & Abby said...

I know what you mean. Abby and I try to shop during Spencer's Thursday night basketball practice. It is a race. I don't even stop to let her use the restroom. The thought of my child standing there alone waiting on me just scares me, however the act of trying to shop with both of them scares me more. So every week we seem to make it work! I do buy alot less.

Carrie Beth said...

You know, I totally agree with the no list thing. I am a total sucker for a sale, as you know, girl, and if I go in unprepared, things can get scary! Several times lately I have been able to do my shopping while Brad watched the boys in between school time in the morning and a late lunch- I am usually feeling the pressure to get back and feed them, which does help, since the longer I look the more I find also :).

KL said...

HILARIOUS! I can see you jetting down the isle giving the older members of society heart palpetations.
Can I just say a quick howdy to CBSTRISS!!! lOVE YOU GIRL

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Tracy, I too am motivated by the image of my little child waiting for me as I drive up late. I know that inevitably, it will happen. I have a genetic predisposition to doing this to my kids. Mom, I love you.
Carrie Beth, it's always the sales that reel us in. The worst is if we, by chance, do our shopping in a more interesting venue, such as Publix or Native Sun--then we're really in trouble!
K-striss, thanks for improving my word picture with the description of the elderly folks having heart palpitations! :) I'm afraid that is fairly accurate at times!

Carrie Beth said...

Girl, you know Native Sun is the worst!! Before I go in, I have no intention of coming out with organic acai pop tarts, but somehow it happens...speaking of pop tarts,I must send a shout back out to the KSTRISS (whenever I think of the cinnies I think of you, girl!), who I always enjoy hearing about through you, Adrienne! Love to you out there in AZ- we miss you over here in GA (well, technically FL for me, but I'll always be a GA at heart!).