Friday, February 8, 2008

Can I just say...

I am so intrigued by the people of this world who feel compelled to have things like "I'm Bringin' Sexy Back" painted on the top of their car windshield.  I mean, it's not like it was an impulsive decision to make that happen.  They really had to work to make that happen.  They had to find a business establishment that provided such a service, go to this business, choose the phrase they wanted painted on their vehicle, choose the font and color in which it would be painted, and here's the kicker--pay money to have it done.  And while all of this is very difficult for me to understand, I suppose I would be disappointed if these rare, colorful people didn't act on their impulses.  Because, come on, its fun to see these cars riding down the road with things like "PLAYA" and "Big & Beautiful" and "Cindy's Toy" and "Betta Be Prayed Up" painted on their automobiles.  So if you could choose your catch phrase for your own vehicle's windshield, what would it be?  I think mine would have to be something like, "Too Blessed to be Stressed!" although the "I'm Bringin' Sexy Back" is equally tempting. (wink, wink).


Jarrod, Tracy, Kyle, Spencer & Abby said...

What is better than that is these girls and women running around woth words like "sweet" and "sexy" plastered across their behinds. Half of those women have no business wearing those shorts that say that. Isn't there someone to stop them before they walk out the door and say "Hey, you might want to rethink those shorts." Please stop me if I ever try wear something like that!

Adrienne Rogowski said...

I'm in complete agreement, Tracy! If we had pants with honest messages on the behinds, mine would say, "Could stand to loose 15 lbs". Somehow I don't think that would fit when written in large block letters. :)

KL said...

This post is why I loved you from the start!!! I love it..I have no idea what "Club Tatoo" is but it is all over cars in AZ??? I did see a bumber sticker that made me laugh "Jesus may love you but everyone else thinks you're a jerk"
lOVE the pics of the kids and your creative times

Adrienne Rogowski said...

I love the bumper sticker! I haven't seen that one before. Glad I brought a smile to your face. I saw a Mimi's Cafe in Jacksonville recently and I was thinking about how that was the first place I ate with you after arriving in AZ on my first trip out there years ago. Wish we could meet for lunch.