Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our Triathlete!

On Saturday Olivia participated in the Splash Pedal Dash. It was a fun mini/pseudo triathalon for kids. They started by climbing a 20 foot water slide and sliding down into water sprayers and then they had to get their shoes on and helmet and then they biked for 1/2 a mile and then they ran for 1/4 a mile. Quite a feat for a girl who's not quite five years old! We were so proud of her. She went down the slide without an ounce of fear, and then Stan ran with her during the 1/2 mile bike ride and then I ran with her for the 1/4 mile foot race. Her finish time was 9:58, and she was beaming when she finished---and huffing pretty heavily, too! She had a few moments while biking and running when she was discouraged, but she never gave up and she just kept going. This was a really neat event, and if you're local, check this event out next year for your kids. It's sponsored by the rec department and Camden Bicycle Shop. Really neat, and honestly ridiculously cute. Here are some pictures.


Kristin Pattison said...

girl I don't know what it is but I keep crying with your posts! The pic of you and Olivia crossing the finish line together and you are just a little ahead of her. I just thought how symbolic that is of how you are leading her to be a wonderful woman! You are such a great mom! Love you!

Adrienne Rogowski said...

What a sweet response, Kstriss! Oh dear Lord, may it be so with all of us moms--help us lead our girls to become women after your own heart!