Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter Weekend '09

We had a wonderfully full Easter weekend complete with two egg hunts, sunrise service on the St. Mary's River and Easter celebration services at church. My favorite part of the weekend was the sunrise service. I woke the kids up at 5:45, bundled them in sweatshirts and pants and drove to St. Marys where we had the service at the waterfront park. I haven't been to a sunrise service since before Olivia was born, and it has always been one of my favorite parts of Easter, so it was great to finally go back to this special tradition. We set out a blanket and Stan and I set up chairs. The kids rolled around on the blanket through much of the service and periodically climbed into our laps to get warmed up under blankets, but it wasn't that cold and the sunrise was lovely. There were sand gnats there, of course. It is St. Marys, and where there is marsh, there are sand gnats. But it felt like it had been ages since I got to sit with my whole family during a worship service and I just enjoyed the intimacy of that--sharing in that time or worship together as participants rather than leaders. Some one played a bell solo, never one of my favorite things exactly, but he did a wonderful job, nonetheless. I just always feel like Easter morning needs brass. The bell solo of Christ the Lord is Risen Today just didn't pack the punch I was anticipating, but we were jubilant in spirit, regardless and we enjoyed the service together. Here are some pictures from the weekend.

1 comment:

Kristin Pattison said...

can i just say I love the little Jumper that B is sportin