Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Every sane person who lives within driving distance of a Chik-fil-A restaurant knows that it is truly a superb fast-food chicken spot. I've recently started the dreaded task of calorie counting, etc. in an effort to loose 21 pounds by mid September (this is the amount that says I should lose to get to my healthy weight). This feels fairly daunting, but I know I need to commit to it and stay committed. However, today I was looking on the Chik-fil-A website to see what whether the chicken salad sandwich and small coleslaw that I brought home for dinner tonight would send me into the red. I know you're all probably saying, "Seriously, Adrienne? You brought home the chicken salad sandwich and you're trying to count calories. OK, maybe not my brightest moment today. Yes, I know it has mayo in it. Fortunately I looked before I ate the whole sandwich. I had already downed the coleslaw (too hungry to wait and see how damaging it would be), but I'd only eaten half the sandwich. Good thing since the sandwich is 500 calories and 20 fat grams, so I've put the other half in the frig and hopefully Stan will play disposal later so it won't tempt me. I ate the coleslaw knowing it wasn't going to be really low in calories, but I thought it wouldn't be too bad. Wrong. 370 calories in that stupid small coleslaw and 32, let me say it again, 32 fat grams in that tiny little cup. Are you kidding me CFA??? You remember that old song from the nineties "Killing me Softly"? That's what I felt like singing in dramatic fashion after this bitter discovery. So, what has been learned from this incident? You cut me deep, Chik-fil-A. You cut me deep. I feel betrayed, but I know I've only betrayed myself with remaining ignorant to these harsh truths. But no more. Innocence is lost. I've exceeded my caloric intake goal for the day by 90 something calories, but I did run 2 miles and walk 2 miles, so I'm hopeful that will help. Chik-fil-A, fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.


The Holland Family said...

Nick and I are cracking up!! But like you we LOVE Chick Fa la la!!!! Good thing we aren't chicken salad fans though!

Kristin Pattison said...

Oh Dearest ACE!!!!!!!!!!!! It is soo true how much our beloved restaurants pack on the calories! Here's to weight loss girl!

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Karen and Nick, glad I could bring you a chuckle. I thought I remembered knowing you all loved CFA, but I am baffled that you don't adore the CSS. It's been a bitter break-up, me and the CSS--also reminding me of another 90's song, "It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to the Chicken Salad Sandwich". :)
Kristin, thanks for the empathy, girl and thanks for raising a glass of water to toast to my success. :)

"The Queen of Free" said...

You cut me deep. You cut me deep. LOL. :) Thanks for the funny and advice as to what to avoid.

Carrie Beth said...

Girl, I just recently learned this about the coleslaw as well- unbeliveable! You might as well eat half a lasagna,right? Love you!

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Ceebs-seriously. Why not just have half a lasagna?? Ughsville. Thanks for the empahty, sis.