Friday, April 24, 2009

Benjamin turned 2!

It hardly seems possible that it has been 2 years since we brought Benjamin home from the hospital. These days have flown past and it makes me want to do a better job at cherishing the present moments. His birthday was April 9th, so we had a small family celebration on the official date, and then when we went to Mom and Dad's for Stan's spring break we had a shared birthday part with his cousin Jonathan, or BoBo as Benjamin often likes to call him, much to Jonathan's chagrin ("Me no Bobo!") Jonathan turned 3 on April 20th, so we partied together to celebrate them both. It was a fun time. One funny experience I had with Benjamin while we were at Mom and Dad's was when he looked up at a picture on the bathroom wall and pointed at it and said, "Bobo!" I looked up and there was a picture of an angel cherub with curly golden/brown hair. Jonathan has curly hair just like that angel cherub, and I smiled and said, "Yeah, that does look like Bobo, doesn't it?" Then Benjamin laughed and pointed again and said, "Bobo's hiney!" The cherub, as most cherubs are, was barely dressed at all and just had a silk scarf only partly covering up his hiney cheeks, and Benjamin thought it was hysterical that Nonny and Cocky had a picture of Bobo with his hiney showing! :) How funny. :)


Kristin Pattison said...

happy bday Benjamin!!! Those cupcakes look fab--you are a blogging extrodinare!

The Holland Family said...

I wish we could have been there to celebrate with you! Happy Birthday!