Monday, October 29, 2007

And He's Off!

Well, America, the true insanity has just begun. Benjamin is now crawling! It began this weekend, and all of you parents of more than one child know that with the second one you often are thinking that you wouldn't mind if he/she took a little bit longer to learn to crawl! I have already had a year or two taken off of my life with dealing with his new adventurous spirit. Sunday he crawled off of my bed--yes, it was dumb to put him there, and thank the Lord he didn't do any damage to himself--Me on the other took me about half an hour for my resting heart rate to get back to normal and for my hands to stop shaking. Today the fascination has been with phone and computer cords. He also did a face-plant on the bathroom tile today. I couldn't believe there wasn't any bruising with that one. Maybe I'll actually shed a few of those pounds I'd like to lose as I chase him around!
I am really frustrated with this right now, because I began this so I could upload photos and keep people posted on us, but it won't allow me to upload anything! I somehow got it to allow me to upload that one photo of Stan, Benjamin and me, but other than that, it won't load anything! Anyone have any advice?


Anonymous said...

I guess Andy IV will soon follow with the crawling! I can't wait to see B-man at Christmas. I love your writing--keep it up:)

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Hey girl! Thanks for posting! You know this is a total indulgence for me! I have to work at limiting myself. I've always loved journaling! I know getting these two little fellas together at Christmas is totally going to be cute to the 10th power! :)