Thursday, July 1, 2010

Blueberry Picking

Kendra Blackerby, a sweet friend I met through Olivia's dance class, invited us to come pick blueberries at her father's blueberry farm, and we took her up on her offer. It was a beautiful drive out to the blueberry farm--way out from Woodbine truly in the middle of nowhere. She gave us perfect directions, and we picked through two rows of berry bushes. It was kind of one of those family experiences when I as the Momma wound up saying things like, "We're out here to have fun, by golly, so lose the stinky attitudes and let's pick some berries!!" Stan and I had a great time! Olivia was bothered by the dragonflies which were in abundance. We tried to explain that they were completely harmless. They were beautiful, too! There were several different types and I enjoyed seeing their beautiful wings. Benjamin was kind of in and out. He was fairly gungho at the onset, and then as the row stretched on and on, he lost his excitement and began to moan and beg to be pulled in the cart. I kept trying to motivate them by saying things like, "This is such a blessing! We're getting tons of free blueberries! Think of all the smoothies and cobblers we'll enjoy!" They both perked up as we neared the end of the second row and they saw our buckets filling up. It was so kind of Kendra to invite us, and we have, indeed, enjoying them and have been thinking of the Blackerbys each time we indulge in a cool, fresh smoothie!

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