Thursday, July 1, 2010


Olivia loves for me to do this from time to time. She begs me to braid her whole head of hair. What she really dreams of is having me braid it all AND put those cool, brightly colored beads in her hair so her hair will go "click! click!" when she swings her braids around. (What she doesn't know is that those beads can hurt when you swing them around! I remember some of my black friends in elementary school whacking themselves in the eye! Youch!) Anyway, I gave in and did it for her recently, and she was thrilled. When it was time to go to bed, I tried to convince her to leave them in. It had taken Mommy a long time to do it, and I was hoping to get a little more time out of all that effort. She, however, discovered that it wasn't very comfy to sleep with them in, so I took them all out, and she thought her hair was sooo cool looking! :) Reminded me a bit of my 7th grade perm. Fun times!

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