Monday, May 3, 2010

Recent Status Updates

  1. is about to go running and my running partner insists on wearing his hook and carrying his dagger in the stroller. It was all I could do to get him to leave the eye patch at home.
  2. is home from Publix. My apologies to the folks in the produce department as Benjamin ran circles and repeatedly yelled, "Koo-kumba" (cucumber). I'm sure I owe apologies to folks in other depts. of the store, but I'll just let this one apology cover them all.
  3. Olivia has her ballet pictures this morning. This will be our last ballet year for a while. She's wanting to take piano lessons next year (yeah!), and we can't afford both right now. Benjamin is already digging in his dirt holes in the back yard. I'm hoping he won't require a bath before we leave for pictures.
  4. going to attempt to consign some stuff today. We'll see. Sometimes this is successful, others, not. A little extra cash for the last week of the month would be nice.
  5. finally getting around to catching up with J.O.'s Food Revolution via hulu, and I love what he is working towards! Inspiring and hope-bringing. Wish he would come to Camden County schools. Olivia takes her lunch, and watching this makes me even more pleased with that decision.
  6. it's just one of those days, moms, when nap time can't seem to get here quickly enough. Lord, be my strength.
  7. looking forward to a nice long, leisurely run while Benjamin is at Noah's Ark this morning.
  8. Benjamin winked tonight at the dinner table for the first time. He's been working on it for weeks, so he was enormously proud of himself. Pretty darn cute.
  9. ad a nice 4.5mi run this afternoon. It was a bit warmer than I would've liked, but I can't complain, because we really have had a nice extended spring down here.
  10. watching An American in Paris with the fam. Gene Kelly is remarkable in this film. "I've got rhythm..." "Our love is here to stay" "Swonderful, Smarvelous..." Really enjoying this.
  11. hail the conquering hero! I am Mamma, hear me roar!! Ahhh-ee-yah-ee-yah-ee-yahhhhhhh!! (clearing of throat) Olivia's room is now clean. I will no longer fear a late night emergency room visit made necessary by a traumatic fall she could've made whilst on her way from bed to potty. (index finger to tongue, index finger to bum, accompanied by sizzling sound)
  12. looking forward to a nice long, leisurely run while Benjamin is at Noah's Ark this morning.
  13. just tried a new yummy frozen confection, and everyone must try these things!! Del Monte's Fruit Chillers are delicious. They're near the canned fruits in the grocery store. 55 calories per tube, no high fructose corn syrup, 11 g sugar (could be worse), 1 lb of fruit in every box. Nice job DM! They're so smooth and sorbet-ish. Warning, they're habit-forming. :)
  14. doing dishes with Tower of Power backing me up. Pretty good stuff.
  15. is looking forward to a picnic lunch with friends and kiddos.
  16. Stan is at Wild Adventures today with his 7th graders. We're missing him.
  17. most produce grown in the U.S. travels an average of 1500 miles before it's sold. The way we eat has an enormous impact on the health of the planet. By choosing to eat lower on the food chain, and focusing on local and organic produce, we can curb global warming and air pollution, avoid toxic pesticides, support local farmers and enjoy fresh, tasty food.
  18. is looking forward to brown bagging it with Olivia at school today.
  19. is balancin' the books
  20. is loving the sound of the gentle rain tonight. I wish it would do this for the next three days. We need it so badly!
  21. very glad I got 4 miles in before I head for my deep tissue massage! All ready to be relaxed. ahhhhh.
  22. delicious dinner--grilled lean pork, steamed asparagus and rice. mmmmmm.
  23. "Certainty is the mark of the commonsense life--gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life. To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, not knowing what tomorrow may bring. This is generally expressed with a sigh of sadness, but it should be an expression of breathless expectation." MUFHH
  24. I'm so glad someone introduced my brother to The Pomplamoose so that I could be introduced to them, too! If you enjoy creative musicians, you're in for a real treat. They have a zillion covertunes that are sure to make you smile and say, "Man, that's cool!" Enjoy--surf youtube and see several of their others. Very fun!
  25. is doin' the kitchen/dining room floors. It's Thursday.
  26. is going to dive into vegetable gardening. Carrie Beth, you're my inspiration, sis! I know I'm a little late getting started, but with our long lasting summer weather, I'm guessing I've got plenty of time for a harvest or two. Can't get much more local than your back yard. Also gonna plant flowers for clipping! Yeah! Looking forward to doing a little flower arranging eventually. Bless my efforts, Lord.
  27. is trying to explain to my 3 year old that on Saturdays we don't get dressed the minute our feet hit the floor. Getting to stay in our jammies is an awesome rarity. Let us enjoy it! His response? "I'm ready get my cwose on now." :/
  28. make me a praising person, Lord. For I know when I worship You, I gain understanding, my life is transformed, and I receive power to life Your way. Give me a heart that longs to do Your will and may I enjoy the peace that can only come from living in total obedience to your commands.
  29. garden plot is tilled...the 1st time. Did it all by myself! Loved it! I'm guessing it will take at least two more times through it to get it cleared of all the grass and weeds. It's a nice chunk--18X24. Tonight I'm going to start my garden journal. Monday I'll take a soil sample to the extension office to have it tested. Trying to do this right. Thank you Lord for this adventuresome diversion!
  30. just made my first grocery trip since watching Food, Inc. Not nearly the kind of savings I was growing accustomed to, but I'm feeling better about what's going in the cart and into our bodies. Taking knowledge and implementing it can be costly. I will have to learn how to give and take with my new convictions. All I can do is all I can do. Hopefully my garden will help a few months down the road.
  31. good morning everybody! It's gonna be a warm one, but it is beautiful! I'm feeling both convicted and encouraged re-reading Joseph's story this morning. What faith he had! Sometimes faith shows itself best by our waiting. Oh lord, if at times I'm disappointed in life and in people, grant me the faith to hold steady!
  32. it's been a full and good day at the Rogowskis. Just a fairly normal Monday. Cookin' dins right now. Then later on I'll be retilling the plot. Needs a second round for sure. Took my soil sample in this morning. We'll see!

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