Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dear Lord,
seems I've had lots on my mind lately
and I just wanted to thank you
thank you for sending me family who
sometimes for very
very long times
but most of all
I thank you for hearing me
and knowing me
loving me
and growing me
and wooing me

to come

to always come

with everything
with every thought
every feeling
even angry ones
and fearful ones

and then being so faithful
so true
so amazingly just as you always say you'll be
and even when I come like a screaming baby
you swaddle me patiently
and I find myself wrapped in that peace
peace that really does pass all understanding

thank you, Jesus


Tea said...

That's so true. Thanks for sharing. :)

kristin said...

beautiful ace..love the pic

Adrienne Rogowski said...

thanks, Kristin.

Carrie Beth said...

Adrienne- you do a lot more listening than talking when it comes to me, I'm afraid- this was beautiful. love you!