Sunday, April 4, 2010

School Egg Hunts 2010

Here are the pictures from Benjamin's Easter egg hunt at Noah's Ark and there are some pictures of Olivia when she arrived home from school the day of her school egg hunt. I, unfortunately, couldn't make it to hers, but she seemed to survive without me, and she looked pretty darn cute, too! I always love how the kids respond when they see the Easter Bunny at Noah's Ark. Some are petrified and others are mesmerized. Benjamin was very intrigued and curious. He said afterwards, "Momma, why da Easter Bunny was a girl?" Somehow at the ripe old age of almost 3, he has determined that the correct sex of the Easter Bunny is male. Go figure. :) I was in the throws of a nasty stomach virus on this particular day, and I call it a Lenten Miracle that I made it through that morning at Noah's Ark without exploding. :)

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