Sunday, January 8, 2012

If Anyone is Waiting with Baited Breath...

I know I don't have a big audience out there reading my little monthly updates with pics of our family, but for those family members out there who might be waiting for some Christmas pics, etc. I'm working on it. I have about a zillion pics to work through and organize. Stan got me a new (to me) camera for Christmas, and so I really went snap happy! Anyway, I just thought I'd pop in here and say HI! And let you know updates are coming. Maybe this week I'll have some moments to work on it as the kids are returning to school and we are settling back into our routine.


Harris Family said...

I am waiting! I love your blog and keeping up with what the Rogowski's are doing!

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Thanks, sweet Anna! I also enjoy keeping up with your amazing Italian adventures at the Harris' blog!