Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas 2011 at the Adams #2

On Tuesday Mom, AndyIII and I went over to Americus, GA to meet the Moran family who brought a moving fan with Mimi and Poppy's belongings from Perry. They moved into Magnolia Manor there, so we spent the day helping them get their room settled. The Morans really did the lion's share of the work, but it was a team effort getting that room arranged and unpacked properly. Poppy is definitely at a different place mentally, unfortunately. He is strangely sharp at certain moments and then very forgetful most of the rest of the time. One of his sweet sharp moments happened as we had lunch together that day. Mom, Andy and Mimi and Poppy and I were seated in a sun room at the Manor eating, and Poppy suddenly started quoting a poem he has used many times in sermons he has preached. He quoted the poem from memory as he's done so many times before, without missing a single word. Suddenly I was gripped with emotion. It was a poignant moment for some reason. Hard to believe that they will not always be here with us. So very glad to know we have all of eternity with them, though! We also had a good visit with Papaw, Dad's father, who is also there at the Manor. He is not terribly happy there and his health seems to be an ongoing struggle, but we pray that he can find peace and health and contentment. He seemed to really love seeing his great grandchildren. It's so nice that they're all there together. It was a full couple of days--as we went back on Wednesday to help them finish getting unpacked, etc, but we enjoyed getting to be with them for that time.

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