Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Quick Visit with the Ryans

How blessed we were that our precious friends, John and Pat Ryan opened their home to us so graciously during our weekend in Atlanta. They saved us some money by putting us up for the weekend and more importantly gave us the opportunity to visit and catch up with them--it had been far too long!! They are such special people, servants of the Lord, and we were so glad to have time with them. Sunday morning before we scooted along the highway to get to Stan's conference at Lake Junaluska, Miss Pat had a marvelously yummy breakfast for us, and Noah and Christina and their three boys, Parker, Davis and Emerson came before they left for church. What a treat to get to see them, too! Christina is expecting their fourth child, another BOY!! She looks gorgeous and their boys were adorable! Thank you, Lord, for these kind of forever friends who are like family to us! We are grateful the Lord put us in their lives and them in ours! Carrie Beth and Brad and their two boys got in to Atlanta on Saturday night, too. They stayed with the Ryans also which was great fun, and then Brad drove home to Savannah the next morning as we took Carrie Beth, who was also attending the same conference as Stan, and her two boys to Lake J with us.

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