Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stop! Tiller Time!

Ahhh yes. It's that wonderful time of year again when we pull the tiller out and break the ground up in our little garden plot in the back yard and begin trying to coax it into producing food for us. I'm hoping our second year will be even more fruitful (or should I say vegetableful?). Last year we had pretty good success with green beans and corn. Our squash and zuchinni never did much, sadly. This year, though, I'm interested in doing lots of corn and beans and hopefully peppers and cucumbers, too. I think I'll do tomatoes and herbs in smaller containers. I'm looking forward to seeing if there are any improvements in my second year. I'll try to keep some photos posted of the progress. It's looking pretty rough out there right now. Yesterday I raked three wheel barrow's full of leaves out of it--its winter blanket. :) Pretty sure it's warm enough now to get ready for planting, though, so we'll be working at tilling today if the weather will hold out for us. It's a very overcast day with a cool breeze--perfect gardening weather (as long as the sand gnats don't descend!).

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