Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Facebook Status Updates for Kristin and Ansley

Well, I thought I'd start something new. I think I'll try to post my weekly status updates from facebook on my blog. This will serve two purposes: 1. I find it interesting to see my week in review through my status updates--all together at once--kind of creates an interesting picture of my week, and will be interesting to look back on over the years. 2. I have some dear friends (K-striss, Ansley, Monica (not really sure Monica reads my blog, though))who are not on facebook, and I'm sure they're dying to know all of these crucial (wink, wink) details of my week. So here are several from this week and last week. They go from most recent to least recent.

so I really should be wishing I had was Susannah Wesley's prayer apron to throw over my head in the midst of life's chaos and find time alone with Jesus. I must admit, though, that there's a part of me that would kind of like Harry Potter's invisible cloak thing even more today. I have to imagine that had Susannah ever read/seen Harry Potter, she might have thought that an invisible cloak was mildly appealing.

Benjamin keeps asking me, "Where baby Jesus in da manger? You put him in da attic? Why you put baby Jesus in da attic, Momma?" He's starting to give me a complex! Why did I put baby Jesus in the attic??? :)

Benjamin will stay home with me today. No Noah's Ark this morning as he is still slowly recovering from a nasty case of pink eye in both eyes! Bless his little heart! (or eyeballs)


just got a $6.99 haircut at Great Clips. I was in the seat less than 10 minutes. I'm thinking 6.99 means the customer sits in the chair less than 7 minutes. There was a poster on the wall that read "Relax, you're in the right place." They must've known I was feeling anxious. The poster could've helped me were it not for the generally surly nature of my "stylist".

home from church today with two kids with pink eye. I think they both have it in both eyes. Pretty pitiful looking pair. Seems like we have to miss every other Sunday lately with sickness. pooey.

Right at the end of bathtime tonight Bman announced he tee-teed in the tub, Olivia absentmindedly proceeds to gulp tubwater, Momma screams, "Don't drink the tubwater, Benjamin just said he tee-teed in here!!" Long quiet pause. Liv says softly, "Mom, you're still the greatest Mom in the world, even when you're mad at me." Momma's heart bleeds from these precious words.


Anonymous said...


These entries made me smile! Sometimes I feel like the worst mom in the universe and then I talk to other moms and realize I am fairly normal in this thinking. We always say the little things are important but I am finding more and more that the "little things" are actually much bigger than I can imagine! How blessed are we that we get to enjoy those moments with our children at home?! God is good!


Kristin Pattison said...

oh ace these are hilarious..I love your baby Jesus complex!

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Love you girls. Wish I could have a visit with each of you. Hope you're both doing well and just enjoying these funny, wild, sometimes maddening, but also almost always joy-bringing days.
Ansley, we all have days and moments when we feel like failures. Praise God that His mercies are new every morning! Love, love, loved your pictures you sent us. That Harrison is so photogenic!
Kristin, thought you might appreciate that one, madame psychologist/counselor. Your blog is continuing to amaze me through its ministry to teen girls. You have a real gift. God is using your willingness to be transparent and sincere.