Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Party at Noah's Ark

Well it was a fun day at the Noah's Ark Halloween party yesterday. Benjamin and his classmates dressed up and trick-or-treated around the church office building and then they had their yummy treats. There were two Buzz Lightyears, one police officer, one pirate, and Benjamin was one of two skeletons. There is only one little girl in his class, and she was absent, so it was a room full of wild and crazy guys. Benjamin discovered that his costume glowed in the dark, so he kept on recruiting guys to cram into the bathroom with him. They would slam the door, turn out the lights, and they would all scream with excitement when they saw his bones glowing! :) Very amusing. :) While things were quite fun at the party, we unfortunately ended the morning in a serious tailspin of a meltdown. Bless his little heart. Too much sugar, too much stimulation...nap time!


kristin said...

I love the crying pic oh what real life!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that I am not the only bad mommy who takes pictures of the meltdowns. Camden had one on the day of his birthday party and it was simply from lack of sleep, too many friends over and playing harder than he could handle.

I am glad that we can look back on the crying picture one day and laugh! Shoot, it's only been one month and I can already look at it and laugh That's whatcha call real life! And, these are the best moments of our lives!


Adrienne Rogowski said...

Truly real life, gals. You're exactly right! Ansley, what is funny is that Benjamin laughs everytime he sees that picture now! :) He laughs at it and talks to his picture saying, "Why you crying, boy?" :)

Carrie Beth said...

Adrienne, that Buzz Lightyear costume was totally cool!! I loved seeing litle Benjamin in his skeleton outfit again :). So cute! I always enjoy reading about your sweeties!