Sunday, May 24, 2009

Making Adjustments w/Photo Storage

Hello All,
I've been struggling with learning a new photo storage system, so please be patient with me as I adapt.  I'm behind on loading pictures and blogging because we maxed out our storage in Picasa, so I've had to start using photobucket, but I'm learning how to use it, so if things are a little weird at first, be patient with me.  I practiced loading an album from Mother's Day weekend.  Some of them you've already seen, others are new.  OK, enjoy. I'm going to keep working on this while Stan and the kiddos nap this afternoon.  Hopefully I'll get it figured out! :)


Us said...

Friend, you must be a big time photo-uploader! I can't believe you've maxed out your space on picasa!

kristin said...

Ace,lovley time! You are looking great too! Olivia is precious.