Saturday, March 7, 2009

"A Night to Remember" at SMUMC

Our church has a neat annual tradition of holding a special social event called "A Night to Remember". Women are invited to host a table and decorate it in their own unique ways and invite folks to purchase tickets to join them for the evening. We have entertainment each year, and this year it was a bluegrass group called "Lost Dogs Found". They were really great! I left the church wishing I could sing like Loretta Lynn and that I could play the "fiddle". :) I think Stan and I just wished that folks had not been so talkative throughout the whole of their performance. It's always hard when you see performers giving their best to a hall of people who sound like they're at a sporting event. They did settle down a time or so, and we still had a very fun time. The meal was very good and we helped raise some money for the youth group's mission trip for this summer. All-in-all, a special evening. Here are some pictures of the tables.


"The Queen of Free" said...

Beautiful table Adrienne! Hope you're enjoying the spring. :)

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Thanks Cherie! I miss keeping up with you through facebook! Looking forward to getting back on after Easter. Strangely enough, it's been kind of freeing to have one less daily computer obligation--especially since this is Stan's more stressful/hectic time of the year. We are enjoying spring, but the weather is already feeling like summer down here. It was 86 yesterday. I do enjoy your blog Cherie! I know it's a significant amount of work. I've enjoyed reaping the benefits of your labors! I've been printing coupons from your site ever since you put them up there. I just got my FREE Martha Stewart Living magazine yesterday! Very fun! My favorite freebies are the edible ones! I got two in one week a couple weeks ago--two granola type bar things. Yummo! Bless you! Wish we could have lunch sometime. Wanna meet half way in Tennessee or something? :)