Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Poolside at The Estate D'Rogowski

This is where we spend a lot of our time lately. It is very reminiscent of our backyard when we were kids.
One funny thing that happened this morning that is unrelated to these pictures is that when I went to clear the table after breakfast, I noticed that the peanut butter jar lid was missing. Olivia and I tried to find it without any success. A few minutes later Olivia yells, "Benjamin has it, Momma!" I look over and he was trotting through the family room trying to escape with the lid, and as I ran to catch him, Olivia said, "He did that very sneakretly, didn't he Momma!" I love these contrived words that children make up. I told her I loved that word--Sneakretly! Priceless!


Carrie Beth said...

I love it! He is so cute in that swim outfit! Sneakretly!! Awesome- thanks for sharing- I will have to use it sometime. :)

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Thanks, Ceebs. Sorry it didn't work out to get together today. Maybe Monday.

The Holland Family said...

Oh My Gosh! SNEAKRETLY! That's got to be the coolest un-word on the planet!!