Thursday, May 15, 2008

We had an awesome weekend in Wilmore with the whole family celebrating Will, JD, and Karen's graduation! The highlight had to be the baccalaureate service because Dad preached the sermon, and Will and JD helped lead the worship time. It was truly like a little piece of heaven. Dad's sermon was amazing. I was so proud of him and grateful that I can call him my father. I can't believe my little brother has graduated from college! Life moves at an increasingly rapid pace, doesn't it? I miss Wilmore and sometimes wish I could move our entire family there. It is such a gorgeous part of the country. Green rolling hills, nice weather, exceptional community. It was a tiring trip, but we had a lot of fun!


Kristin Pattison said...

Oh Astriss,
I am misty at all these great pics of Asbury..especially the semi-circle..that brings back such great memories for me..and the cafeteria where we would do pull and peel..things have spruced up too that library would call me to do even more all Saturday study sessions and what is with the outdoor deck. So great. What a neat pic of all you with your kids. I also loved the one of just you and your siblings..all Asbury grads. So great. Thanks for taking these.

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Glad you enjoyed them, girl! It is soooo incredibly nostalgic being on campus. The first afternoon we were there, we kept saying, "Oh, the old so-and-so," over and over and over again! :) I know that it was the right thing for you to go back to AZ after that first year, but so often I wish you shared graduation years with us so I'd at least be guaranteed to see you back on that special campus maybe every ten years for reunions. Maybe someday we could take a trip there together just for fun. :) Love ya!