Wednesday, January 26, 2011

the gym

To be talking about something as trivial as the behavior of people at the gym is utterly ridiculous, I know. There are people dying for their faith in Somalia, and I'm writing descriptions of folks in my gym. I'm trying to keep a healthy perspective here, folks, but just give me a minute.
These are two things I struggle being gracious in my spirit about at the gym:
  1. Sweaty McSweatsalot: the guy who forgot to bring his sweat towel who is running on the treadmill next to me, and sweat is continually being slung from his elbows onto ME!!
  2. Karaoke Karol: the gal who is on the stair climber two machines down from me who is singing so loudly that the lady in between us gets off, borrows her daughters iPod, returns and dramatically puts on the earphones, and the singing climber naively says, "Am I singing too loudly?" The iPod lady tells her, "No. I just wanted to listen to some of MY music." Youch. Does this stop American Idol on the stair climber? Nope. Wow.
OK, but here are a couple of things I love:
  1. Obe Wan Kenobi the Marathoner: the 75 year old guy who runs on the treadmill for 40 minutes, never once opening his eyes, and he has a very distinctive, audible breathing pattern that involves bull-frog, puffy cheeks. The Force is strong with this one. :)
  2. Grandma & Grandpa Powerlifters: the elderly couple who sweetly help each other through each of the weight machines, wiping one another's brows, giving whispered encouragement and direction.
I love the way the Lord made us all so different. I love characters. Why does our society push for such conformity? I'm listening to Leeland's song "Let it Out Now"---love the lyrics from the chorus:
Everyone has their sound
Let it out now, let it out now!
There's nothing wrong
With living loud!
So let it out now, let it out now!

May you go and live out loud--your own sound-- today, friends! Join the rest of us weirdos! :)


Unknown said...

I really liked this, Adrienne. :) Great descriptions! :)

Will said...

hilarious, sis. Lovin it!

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Thanks, Mary! Glad you enjoyed it.
Will, means a lot, brother. Kind words from a gifted comical writer such as yourself. :)

Amanda said...

So Fun, this makes me wonder who I would be at the gym!

Adrienne Rogowski said...

Amanda, I know! Wonder if someone has given me a nickname! :)

kristin said...

hilariouso! btw love the pic of you and stan..just the way i remember