Friday, March 12, 2010

Talking with a Friend

I am so grateful for the precious hour of talking time I was able to enjoy with my dear friend, Kristin yesterday afternoon. Talking with Kristin always does several things to me.
It lifts my spirits. We do a fair amount of laughing at one another, at funny things our kid have done, at bizarre experiences her mother has had as a Christian counselor (I would love to tell this story, but not sure if it would be appropriate! But OMW!! So funny!), or at memories from college days.
It inspires me. Kristin is the mom to two precious little girls, Alaina and Sasha. Alaina is autistic, and Kristin's acceptance of this difficult situation as part of her calling in life, her honesty concerning the day to day struggles of it, and how she leans hard into her Savior through it all is nothing less than inspiring to me.
It spurs me on to greater surrender to Christ. Even though there is already such a strong depth of faith and life in Christ that is apparent in who she is, I can hear in her words a hunger for more and more intimacy with her Savior. Isn't it wonderful how the Holy Spirit makes that hunger contagious? When I hear my sister in Christ just chompin' at the bit for more of Him and hungering to make Him known more to others, suddenly my mouth is watering for more, too!
So thanks, Kristin, for making me laugh, inspiring me, and spurring me on to greater things with my life in Christ! I just wish we were closer so we could see one another once and a while. It's been much too long! Bless you, friend.

1 comment:

kristin said...

oh ace, i feel the same bless me so much! I was laughing last night as I put Sasha to bed and remembered your voice impressions of Sid the science kid and B's request to wathc Barney..oh I love you and remeber we will be neighbors in Glory!!!