Saturday, September 26, 2009

So I expected to be fairly emotional when I dropped Benjamin off for his first day of preschool, but he helped me out by throwing a royal tantrum right before we were trying to get out the door, so I wasn't exactly feeling sad when I left him. :) It is hard to believe that he's big enough to be going to preschool! He has enjoyed it very much so far. This past week he wasn't able to go either day, because he's had strep throat, so he's very eager to go back this coming week. We just love Noah's Ark and all of the loving teachers who work there. They're like a family to us, and it is so comforting to walk him into Miss Karen's room (who Olivia had when she was 2) and know he'll be safe and happy. Yeah for preschool. On Tuesdays when he goes to Noah's Ark, I am facilitating a Beth Moore study on Esther at our church, so that's been fun, and on Thursdays when he goes, I just hardly know what to do with myself for those three hours! :)

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